Forging a new path. Blazing a new trail. Finding the power within to create that perfect balance that is a catalyst. Authenticity. Digging deep and really going through the ooze to find the Pearl of You.
This road trip through the Southeast is instrumental in excavating my Pearl. It's already here. I've found it. I can see it. I know exactly what it is. This pearl is not a perfectly round pearl found in an expensive necklace. Nope. It has all the bumps and lumps of life experience. It shimmers with a different kind of luminescence. I gravitate to a different kind of beauty, the underside of moss and rocks, craggy beaches, the inner workings of flowers, a buried tree limb in the bottom of a bog. That is where the mystery begins, where life also lies.
This trip is instrumental in healing remnants of grief, resentment, shame, doubt, procrastination-all those destructive human things that taint creative juices. Age-old ick that is gumming up the pipes. Hello there, Ego, time for a chat. Time to lose those hurt feelings. Take back that power, and let's move on and do what we do best. Create magic! My new home is here somewhere, and my inner home has to match it before it emerges.
As I wind up my visit in Bluffton/Hilton Head and head to Savannah, my room in the airbnb where I'm staying overlooks a little lagoon. In the early morning and at dusk the lake is perfectly still. There is a snowy egret that fishes here. It walks in the water in utter stillness. It takes minutes, not seconds, to take one step. There is no ripple as it moves. The water is even more serene through its peaceful presence. A presence of patience. By its sheer beauty and grace, the egret makes its powerful presence known. I think this little beauty is the perfect role model. Being grace, beauty and peace. What a beautiful way to serve as a gentle force in the world.
Years ago, as a formal student of energy and intuitive modalities, my study and practice triggered experiences that rocked my world, memories of things I wasn't actually studying. I remember those tidbits of amazingness enticing me to follow the breadcrumbs and I remember the excitement of those adventures. That excitement and newness is again. But it's different now. Then it was about "doing" to be a positive influence. Now it's about "being." There is a lot of "push" in the world. To be the expert, get on the map, be at the top. To market to market, jiggedy jig. We're conditioned to this "hustle" from a young age. Our self-esteem can be heavily tied to this as "success."
Travel is good for the Heart and Soul. Deep changes and realizations emerge from that Primordial Soup. The internal dialogue is fascinating - and hilarious. I have a whole comedy team in my head. If I could only get it down on paper! This "trip" is a metaphor for my life. It's evident what fits and what doesn't. Before I left, I booked my entire trip. I researched all the places that would be "beneficial" to go. Booked airbnb's in those areas, things I was going to do. Even this early in my trip, things have changed. Oh! I wasn't supposed to be there! Life either intervened that cancelled something, or I' canceled because my energy is lining up differently. Hah!
Cleaning house. Woo woo is so boring. Darling, it's so "last year!" (well, okay, maybe it's a little fun). I feel a bit of self-actualization happening here. So I'll retain the big words and cosmic comedy for my own private entertainment. I'm content to do what I do. What brings me joy. Feeds my Soul. And by the way, doing that brings others joy and feeds the world a good dose of love.
No "push." No "pull." Just "be." Co-creating it in the moment with the fullness of Life.
The "how" is still, always, ever forming, and will be through eternity. And that's perfectly okay.
What's here now is the present.
See you on the next road...
In Lak'ech Ala K'in
~ Myrrh ~