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The Incredible Journey

Writer's picture: Myrrh de MarmionMyrrh de Marmion

Something profound is happening around the world. An increasing number of individuals are experiencing a deeper understanding of the healing power of Sacred Sound. The transformative ability of sound frequency – when used intentionally for healing – has been called “the medicine of the future,” as collectively we begin to “remember” the roots of sound, drawing upon the wisdom of ancient cultures who have used it for centuries. This is evident by the steadily growing exploration of singing bowls, drum, and other indigenous instruments traditionally used in healing and meditation, and the increasing number of Sacred Sound events that are being offered around the world. Each individual brings his or her particular “medicine” to their offering, a beautiful blending of frequency and understanding.

The journey between traditional music and using sound for healing could possibly be the most interesting, and for some the most challenging, for trained musicians. Having been classically trained in music from an early age, I’d like to share my own experience of being “rewired,” and my incredible journey into the realms of Sacred Sound and frequency.

Musical Roots

Music was very strong in my family. My natal grandfather was a vocalist, guitarist and performer with two well-known big bands during the big band era. His amazing tenor voice rivaled that of Mario Lanza. He died before I was born, but he made many recordings during his life, and listening to his 78s had a huge impact on me. I understood at a young age the ability of music to create powerful emotional responses.

Music was a nearly daily experience in our family. My mother’s classical training in piano and voice trickled down to me and my siblings. My love of music was strong, and my brother and sister and I were all classically trained in some way. My sister and I both studied piano for many years, and I studied voice as well. My brother studied drums and guitar. I sight-read music, played mostly classical pieces, sang in school events and performed at recitals. I dreamed of being a professional singer. I considered auditioning with the traveling singing group “Up with People” as a teenager, but I pursued dance training instead.


Mainstream work and marriage was my life for many years, though my connection to music remained very strong and I continued to dabble in guitar, drums, and keyboard. It seemed like my consciousness “light switch” was thrown when the events of September 11 happened, and synchronicity compelled me to begin a lifelong study of energy healing and shamanic practices. In 2003, I attended an esoteric conference at Mt. Shasta, and during a lecture on the Music of the Spheres given by musician, music professor and sound researcher Randy Masters, I experienced what I can only call a complete “rewiring,” which literally changed everything that I thought I knew, especially about music.

From the standpoint of years of music training and performance, this rewiring essentially deleted my musical sight reading abilities, and over time, the ability to read music and draw upon theory became nearly impossible.

Several changes were the most profound for me. I discovered a field of vocalization that I came to know as “the zone” - a place of deep knowing where I experienced what I call the “higher realms.” My voice shifted from alto to high soprano. I began making tones that I “heard” in my mind and I began vocalizing word-sound “language” of an unknown origin, which I later came to know as the Language of Light.

At times, it felt like these specific frequencies were sounding through my voice, as I seemed to have no control over the sounds I was making. Rather, I felt I was being “sung.” I found that my voice now gravitated “in between” the notes. To classically trained musicians, this was perceived as being “flat.” However, a musician friend who had studied the music of ancient cultures told me that my voice was aligned to the ancient tunings, which also happened to be 432 MHz, the resonance of the Heart. At one time, all of our music was tuned to 432 MHz, which is also known as the natural resonance of Earth, the tuning of Creation, the Fibonacci sequence (Flower of Life). It was changed to 440 MHz sometime around the 1940’s, and there seems to be much conjecture and conspiracy theory around why this was done and by whom. In any case, it was a natural transition for me.

My voice became my “instrument” and for a number of years, I collaborated with musicians whose instruments resonated at this ancient tuning. Over time, I began my own offerings, accompanying myself with Tibetan bowls, gong and percussion. After 13 years, I’m comfortable integrating instruments of all different tunings, although this is not always embraced by others, especially musicians. I’ve come to understand that dissonance holds a very valuable piece in any sonic experience – truly a “symphony” of sound experience.

The greatest gift that I have received in this rewiring has been the ability to “see” the “lightness” of frequencies, and to “hear” the sounds before I make them. I see the impact of sounds on frequency fields present around others. Sometimes I see the impact within the individual. They look like little “explosions” of SoundLight, an interesting merging of frequency. This past year I began exploring the frequency field of the Heart center, the human connection to 432 MHz. The potency of this field when it is used as the source of Sacred Sound is profound, and with practice and Sacred Intention, it’s possible to consciously create in this field. The potential for transformation of this practice is astounding. The research foundation, HeartMath, has done much research about the power of the Heart, and offers a wealth of information and training on this, and its positive potential in our evolution. (

Opening to New Awareness

For traditional musicians, perhaps the most significant challenge is the ability to integrate both traditional musical tuning and that of Sacred Sound in a non-traditional tuning, which I call the tuning of "flow." I began calling it this as I observed the need to reside in the realm of trust and flow, rather than trying to “figure out” the notes. For myself, I chose to let go of the traditional tuning and knowledge, knowing that the realm of pure Frequency offered the greatest potential in my life.

Opening to the realm of Sacred Sound is exciting and rewarding, especially when the inner transformation of Sacred Sound is deeply and positively experienced first. Playing in the field of Sacred Sound frequency can be used for personal balance and well-being, and also powerfully integrated with the healing arts – energy work, massage, energy psychology, movement, somatic body work, etc. There probably isn't one modality that Sacred Sound can't be integrated with, and doesn't enhance.

Making the transition to this awareness and practice from a tradition musical standpoint can be challenging, confusing, perhaps scary as one experiences the "letting go" demanded by the alchemical flow of Sacred Sound. I'm very grateful that my own navigation of this path and its resulting confusion, upheaval, and great reluctance has been the seed for creating interactive experiences that offer others the opportunity to explore these realms with deep wonder, ease and safety. These offerings are created for those who want to use Sacred Sound for personal well-being and greater emotional balance, as well as those who desire to integrate Sacred Sound with the healing arts; they are also created specifically for musicians on the journey of exploration into Sound and serve as a bridge between the musical world and the world of flow.

The healing and transformational benefits of Frequency as a life catalyst really has to be experienced. If and when the call comes to experience the sound of the spheres, allow the experience. The gift of this brand new world is profound, deep, and rewarding.

Upcoming Special Sacred Sound Events on Earth Day Weekend!

On Earth Day weekend 2016 in the Boulder area, take advantage of several opportunities to explore the transformational powers of Sacred Sound. An Earth Day Sacred Sound Immersion on Friday, April 22, and two Sacred Sound workshops on Saturday, April 23, allow you to explore the possibilities of healing and transformation that Sacred Sound might hold for you, in a deeply nurturing environment. No healing or music experience is required. You can attend a single event that calls to you, or all three offerings at a special package rate. Further details and registration here:!events/c10fk


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