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Announcing the Launch of the Inner YOU! Evolution Journey

Writer's picture: Myrrh de MarmionMyrrh de Marmion

Do you hear your Heart calling to you?

Do you hear it singing desires to you? Is that desire something that you haven’t been able to accomplish? Do you know you can accomplish it? Or do you believe it will never happen, so why try? What would it FEEL like to accomplish? What amazing gift could you give to others and the world if you could? Do you DARE to give yourself – and others- this gift of YOU? HOW dare you? Well, let's get busy!

How the Universe works:

What you desire exists – RIGHT NOW. This is a key Divine Law of the Universe. Something cannot be desired or created unless it already exists. The cool thing is, because what is desired is already here, it is a matter of matching its frequency. Everything leading up to its actual physical realization is what it looks like as it is manifesting. How fast it shows up depends a lot on where you are - body (doing), mind (BE-ing) and spirit (listening).

Our heart’s desire can’t come into form if it is perpetually “out there.” Sometimes the block of realizing it is the FEAR of BE-ing what you desire and the belief that you are somehow OTHER than that big, that successful, that powerful, that amazing. Sometimes it is the fear of what you will be like – of not KNOWING what you will be like – without the blocks that create fear.

In order to create our heart’s desire we have to BECOME it - embody it – body, mind and spirit. It is absolutely wonderful when dreams manifest. But the journey there is within you. It isn’t so much what you DO. It is the "Inner YOU Evolution" journey – the wonderful, beautiful changes and growth you experience with every part of you – that are the true SUCCCESS.

Let me introduce you to the Inner YOU! Evolution Journey. This is a deeply transformative six month journey to your Heart’s Desire through your BE-ing. It blends the deeply intuitive way of connecting with and assisting individuals that I use in my work, with:

- The very powerful, unique Quantum Physics-based, InnerVision Life Navigation tool and process, created over the last 12 years and based in proven "Spirit meets Science" principals.

- Sacred Sound to give voice to our power and bring us back into ‘tune’ with ourselves.

- Teachings of the Divine Laws of the Universe which, once mastered, you will never be held back by anything ever again.

- Specially created and FUN exercises and tools.

- The practical, physical steps to take to bring it all into form.

All to help you evolve into your new Greater, Powerful, AMAZING You.

The cool and unique thing about this is that we work together and YOU design what you need to create your Inner Evolution. This is not a pre-made, pre-recorded coaching program. In fact, it isn’t a coaching program at all. It is a deep, unique inner journey of evolving the beliefs about yourself, using cutting edge tools that I have created and evolved over the last twelve years, that have proven to be extremely beneficial for my clients. This is an inner journey into “YOU” that we take together. With my intuitive, seeing, feeling, hearing, knowing abilities and experience, together we will see what is calling to you, where you are right now – body, mind and spirit – and what is holding you back, physically, emotionally, and mentally. With every step we take together, we will create a formula that will take you from “here” to “there” – striding with your ever more evolved self, closer and closer to your dreams..

If this delicious inner journey sounds like YOU, I would be honored to be your guide. So let's get busy! Read more HERE

Or contact me directly HERE

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